Whalers were responsible for greatly diminishing the numbers of tortoises on the islands. Using the whaler’s logs (diaries) of 79 whaling vessels we are able to estimate that more than 100,000 tortoises could have been taken from the islands for food and oil.
Glossary of Galapagos
- C
- Caldera
- Carapace
- Cell
- Charles Darwin
- Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF)
- Chemosynthesis
- Chromosomes
- Classification
- Climate change
- Cocos Plate
- Colonisation
- Composite cone volcano
- Conglomerate
- Conservation
- Conservationists
- Consumers
- Continuous (genetic variation)
- Convection currents
- Courtship
- Critically endangered
- Cromwell Current
- Crux point
- Z