
This website is hosted on servers that are powered by entirely sustainable sources. The site is hosted by Their hosting servers operate from two renewable energy powered data centre facilities, one in California directly powered by solar energy, and one in the UK running on grid supplied Ecotricity generated wind power.

Built by the hands of a co-operative

At the Galapagos Conservation Trust, sustainability is an intrinsic part of our values as an organisation. We seek to promote more sustainable ways of operating and, where practical, we prefer to work with other social enterprises and co-operatives with an interest in sustainability. This website was built by Wave, a design co-operative that specialises in new and traditional media for the third sector. A co-operative is a group of people acting together to meet the common needs and aspirations of its members, sharing ownership and making decisions democratically. For more information about co-operatives in your community please go to Cooperatives UK. Please follow this link to more information about the ‘Made by co-op hands’ logo.