Sustainable Tourism5/5: Sustainable Tourism Quiz Sustainable Tourism Quiz What happened in 1998 that is thought to have caused number of visitors to the Islands increase?* a new cruise line was launched flights became cheaper to the Islands the removal of tourists quotas 24 hour electricity became available on the Islands Hint: Some tourists may have been wary of going to a place where they may not be able to access luxuries...From which continent do most tourists visit the Galapagos Islands?* North America Middle East Europe Asia Hint: Think about how the currency of Ecuador could help to make Galapagos a viable holiday destination.How much is it estimated that tourists add to the Galapagueño economy?* US$ 4.18 million US$ 41.8 million US$ 418 million US$ 418 billion Hint: With the number of tourists visiting the Islands each year (over 200,000!) how much do you think they contribute to the local economy?Why doesn't the fishing industry necessarily benefit from increased tourism?* sports fishermen take all the fish hotels refuse to buy local fish they have to compete for space at sea with the cruise ships the demand for fish is greater than they can supply so more has to be imported Who benefits from effective ecotourism projects?* Tourists Everyone Local People Why does the Galapagos National Park Authority control the travel itineraries of cruise ships?* To prevent oil spills To make more money from cruise operators So that no single site is overwhelmed by visitors So that visitors get to see as much of the Islands as possible Which of these is not one of the National Park's rules for visitors?* No smoking in the National Park Never walk on the marked trails in the National Park Keep at least two metres away from any animals in the National Park No flash photography in the National Park