Hawk (Galapagos)

  • Galapagos Wildlife: Galapagos Hawk © Susanna Kubernus

    Galapagos Hawk © Susanna Kubernus

  • Galapagos Wildlife: Galapagos hawk pair © John Belchamber

    Galapagos hawk pair © John Belchamber

Species Data

Common Name Galapagos hawk
Scientific Name Buteo galapagoensis
Spanish Name Gavilán de las Galápagos
Conservation Status

Galapagos Graphics: IUCN Red List Vulnerable © Dan Wright




Size 56 cm length, 120 cm wingspan
Average Lifespan Unknown
Predators None, the Galapagos hawk is an apex predator
Food Carnivore (invertebrates, small lizards, snakes, rodents, hatchling tortoises, sea turtles and marine iguanas)
Animal Class Bird

Species Overview

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Species Data
Common Name Galapagos hawk
Scientific Name Buteo galapagoensis
Spanish Name Gavilán de las Galápagos
Conservation Status

Galapagos Graphics: IUCN Red List Vulnerable © Dan Wright


Endemic / Native / Introduced


Size 56 cm length, 120 cm wingspan
Average Lifespan Unknown
Predators None, the Galapagos hawk is an apex predator
Food Carnivore (invertebrates, small lizards, snakes, rodents, hatchling tortoises, sea turtles and marine iguanas)
Animal Class Bird